Welcome to our Synod website!
The Synod of Québec and Eastern Ontario is one of 8 synods within the Presbyterian Church in Canada. It consists of five presbyteries: Quebec,
Montreal, Seaway-Glengarry, Ottawa and Lanark-Renfrew. The geographical bounds of the Synod stretch from Quebec City in the east
along the St. Lawrence Seaway to Caintown in the southwest, and north up the Ottawa Valley to Deep River. Included in the synod are two camps, Gracefield
in West Quebec (managed by the Presbytery of Ottawa) and Camp d'Action Biblique in the Eastern Townships of Quebec (managed by the Presbytery of Quebec).
The Synod normally meets every second year, usually in October, in a conference style format composed of all synod members (all members on the constituent
roll of its five presbyteries). During the meeting time there is worship, business, fellowship and a conference style discussion on a particular topic of common
concern to the synod. Between synod meetings the Synod Council manages its business. When the synod meets, the council brings forward appropriate business for
information or decisions. The Synod Council consists of the moderator (chairperson), the clerk of synod (secretary), the synod treasurer, the immediate
past-moderator, the clerks of the presbyteries within the bounds or their representatives named by their presbyteries, a convener each for Finance, Mission
and Regional Resourcing, and a representative from the Women's Missionary Society Synodical (if appointed).
The Presbyterian Church in Canada is governed by a system of church courts. Most of the important decisions that affect the church are made as women and men
prayerfully meet to discern the mind of Christ. From lower to higher, these are the four courts:
Congregation - the Session
Sessions are made up of elders and ministers. Elders are women and men who have been elected by the local congregation
and ordained. The session provides for the overall ministry of the congregation, including pastoral care, worship, Christian education, stewardship, and mission.
Local - the Presbytery
Presbyteries are made up of ministers and elders from each congregation within its bounds - one elder for each minister on
the constituent roll (i.e. in the presbytery). Retired ministers and ministers without a congregation are placed on the appendix to the constituent roll.
Presbyteries support and oversee their congregations and ministers, and meet several times through the year.
Regional - the Synod
Synods are made up of ministers and elders from each presbytery within its bounds. They rule on regional issues and are the
court of next resort that presbyteries may refer matters to.
National - the General Assembly
The General Assembly is the highest decision-making body of our church. It meets annually around the first week
in June. An equal number of ministers and elders are commissioned by presbyteries to attend. It receives, discusses, and makes decisions on issues brought
forward, as well as voting on matters of theology and polity that affect the whole denomination.
Map of synod
The synod website now includes maps by presbytery (at the bottom of each presbytery page), plus one for the entire synod (below). The maps show the location of
each church and mission work in the various presbyteries, the two camps in the synod and one church that is an Ecumenical Shared Ministry. Please note that the
church addresses shown on each presbytery page often are the mailing address of the church, and don't necessarily correspond with the church's actual location.
Also, while Google maps is a wonderful tool, in some instances the marker generated when a street address is entered does not reflect the precise location of the
church. Care has been taken to find the actual street location, and the pins should mark the exact location of the church building. If there are any inaccuracies
please notify the synod webservant.