Photo gallery
October 2024: Synod fall meeting
Clockwise from top left: outgoing moderator Sybil Mosley gave the message during opening worship
The beautiful sanctuary at St. Andrew's church, Arnprior
incoming moderator Gerry Gallant welcomes theme speaker Corey Nieuwhof
moderator Gallant leads commissioners in worship
June 2024: Principal's Award, Presbyterian College, Montreal
At it's June 6, 2024 convocation the Presbyterian College, Montreal bestowed on
Mrs. Donna McIlveen the inaugural Principal’s Award for Faithful Service and Distinguished Leadership.
"Donna's extensive service to the Presbyterian Church in Canada, including roles as Director of Christian Education, Administrator and Treasurer for the Order of Diaconal
Ministries, and long-term Clerk of Synod of Quebec and Eastern Ontario, was recognized with deep appreciation". Congrats, Donna!
- hey, they forgot to mention convener of the Life and Mission Agency (G.W., webservant QC) .
December 2021: installation, Presbyterian College, Montreal
On Thursday December 2, 2021 a service of worship for the installation
of Principal Roland De Vries and Professor Karen Petersen Finch
to Presbyterian College, Montreal was held at the Church of St. Andrew & St. Paul.
Pictured left to right are Rev. Dr. Daniel Scott, Moderator of the General Assembly, Professor Finch,
Rev. Denise Allen-Macartney, Vice-Chair of the college's Board of Governors and Principal De Vries.
The service was recorded and can be viewed here.
October 2021: Synod #146, online via Zoom
October 2018: Synod #144, St. Paul's Church, Vankleek Hill ON
October 2017: Synod #143, Church of St. Andrew & St. Paul, Montreal QC
October 2003: Gracefield; tribute to Jean Phillips